If you think about it, actually, we are at constant rivalry, racing with time... trying to retain it or wanting to get it past. In school or at workplace, you'll be competing with your friends for the top honors and there's this sibling rivalry, it adds on and on. When it becomes too much, you'll have to deal with yourself, keeping yourself sane while getting past all these... Maybe, this is just a part of our life and why we are humans...
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Ultraman brothers
Have anyone ever seen Ultraman dancing? What worst is, it is choregraphed awkwardly... it's so damn fucking funny ultraman-aerobics... anyway, here's the video:
Posted by
11:09 AM
Labels: Random Laughts
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The line of difference
If you look up at dictionary.com, there are countless defination of the word, line. In artistic point of view, line is simply line that you drawn with pencil, pen or whatever instrument. What I meant here is the "line of difference", the line that separates fact from fiction, truth from lies and thing from things, basically it's everything that makes up this world, even our thoughts are in lines, sequential.
This "line of difference" thingy can get very nasty sometimes. It is simple, when the "line" is thick, and I don't mean literally thick, what I meant is, when the defination of the differences is clear, as what separates a girl from a boy. However, it is not always as simple, especially, when there's a group of people, be it playing pranks or making fun of each other. This is when, the line of difference comes in, it differs from person to person, from what is on the line to what is going overboard. If you are not careful with it, the bomb might just GO OUT before you...
Posted by
12:50 PM
Labels: Eventual Thoughts
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Another me...

Posted by
9:33 PM
Labels: Random Touches
Here's another great song from 宇多田ヒカル! This song reminds me of my childhood, the tunes and lyrics are so simple that you can comprehend even if you don't understand Japanese. OK, enough of craps, here's the song:
Posted by
2:07 PM
Labels: Music
Thursday, December 14, 2006
SCISSOR SISTERS comes another chart topping album TA-DAH, it was released a few months back, I was hesitant whether to buy or not, finally, there's this "SPECIAL SINGAPORE EDITION" selling at 65-70% of original price and I just grab it!
A few months back, when the album first got release, I asked my friend, "eh, you listen to scissor sister?", what I got from him is "HUH! YOU LISTEN TO SCISSOR SISTER!!??". Why can't i listen to these songs? Whatever...This sophomore album, TA-DAH, like the debut album, it carries a very strong retro style. It sounds fun and you'll shake along with the music. If you like ABBA, you'll definatelly love this!
Posted by
5:21 PM
Labels: Music
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
It has been a hectic semester, no it's only half of it, everything moves on so quickly, people, studies etc. It just passes through in a blink. Alot of things had happened, both sad and happy.
As for my friends, some were able to strengthen their bonds while some have tiffes here and then. It's pretty tiring to see friends at "war", everyone around them will fall into a dilemma, dunno which side they should stand on.
As for me, hmm... I think I've become more popular, or perhaps more friendly and a little bit more daring. If it was a few months back, I'd've perceive myself as an introvert individual, but now I may have to change this perceptive of myself. I can say, at lease I've become more of a happy person...
It's always easier to be happy than sad, it's your choice to choose!
Posted by
2:37 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Weird... I wonder why...
Try typing this in you notepad "Bush hid the facts" and save as "bush". Open again and see what happens... You'll be amaze with the results, it don't make sense at all and it's weird... I wonder why...
Posted by
2:23 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
King Arthur
King Arthur was a great man, a great friend and a great leader. He was able to triumph over countless battles only with the help of his comrades. His comrades were as great as his sword because they were able to sort out their differences and unite as one. It is dimmed to failure if the followship is broken. Disbelieving and betrayed brought the kindom to a downfall.
It's easy to be enemies but difficult to be friends, if there's cracks between walls, it's still not too late to mend it up, if it is left untouched, it will only become worst and eventually collapse, it will become very ulgy at the end...
Posted by
3:58 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Yesterday and today
Yesterday and today are two totally different days, don't assume that you did well the first time and thus the second time.
Alot of things could happen in a day, someone who looks well could be gone the next day, friends can become enemies in a day, and vice versa.
Things could be sort out in one day, for friends, it's just unblocking the walls between parties, sitting down on a table and try to understand each other situation, patch things up and reforging broken links...
That's how it should be, keep changing to make things better! Why make life so difficult for yourself?
Posted by
12:29 AM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Oh Christine! My Christine!
Oh Christine oh Christine~
My Christine My Christine!
I've waited so long for your return~~
Finally your are back~~~~~
It's been yeeeaarrsss~~~
Have your forgotten the Opera Ghost?~
but... but I doubt so~
I can't wait to see you in the Esplanade~~~
Posted by
11:20 AM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The PHANTOM is back!!!
The "Phantom Of The Opera" is back in Singapore for a limited season only. It has grossed more than 6 million Singapore dollars worldwide! It is also one of the longest running musical in the West-End history, there is never an empty seat left in the theater.
It has just begin it's public sales and the tickets are selling fast already! If you missed this chance to catch this masterpiece, you'll have to wait another 5-10 years...
Posted by
8:02 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
"Yesterday & Today" - Do As Infinity, for friends...
This is my favorite song from Do As Infinity(Japanese band). This song is for my friends and yours. It's subtitled with the English translation...
Posted by
5:46 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Lame commercial
The title tells it all... you'll have to see for yourself
Posted by
12:12 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Straightforward people...
A straightforward person means honest and no deceit, but this people don't really exist. Most of them are either ignorant or arrogant, they simply don't feel what others felt, especially when they make nasty remark of others...
Eh... Actually, this post is meant me, I am a straightforward person, the ignorant one. I feel really terrible whenever I make nasty remarks upon others, especially when that person gave me an angered look, I'll feel unwanted or so, its like a thousand needle piercing through your heart... and this thought will come into my mind, "oh shit! What have I done again?"...(I'll grab my head and shake)<--- not literary of'cos...
Posted by
6:25 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friends (my dear friend)…
It’s a very strange thing; having friends, it’s like having another brother or sister and yet it’s different from the siblinghood that you get from your family. You can’t choose your family but you can definitely choose who you want to befriend with. They will give you support and encouragement; bring joys and laughter to each other, even if they have some tiffs here and there, but they’ll make up to each other again, eventually.
Friendships are forged with similar goals and dreams, and also differences of each other that brought the friends together. Friends plays very important role in our life, beside our family, they influenced each other, shaped each others’ character and learn from each others’ mistakes. Cherish this relationship, for one if they are gone, you’ll regret it for sure…
This is for you, my dear friend, Bryson. Thank you for the joys and laughter that you had brought us. We never know you suffered so much alone. You are a brave warrior, a truly remarkable one and also, a great friend. I never know that I miss you so much. We grieved for your early departure and you’ll always live in our hearts… this is the very lease I can do, so as to tell my other friends that I had such a wonderful friend, Bryson Tang!
Posted by
10:17 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The weather has become hazy reccently... Like usual Benn went to school, while he waiting for his tutorial session to start, he rocked his chair. Suddently, he lost his balance but miraculously he did not fall, he just merely slided down together with the chair. What he did not know is the chair was dented, he lied on the backrest, it could not stand his weight, and it broke! The frame of the chair become very lethal, he was on the verge of getting stapped. What a narrow escape... Who will be next?
Posted by
9:55 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
Happiness comes when you feel good about yourself, it also comes from people around you. When people encourages or praises you, you feel good about yourself, this makes the brain stimulate a substance that makes you feel good about yourself, and this is''happiness''!! When you are loved or wanted, you too will feel happy...
Different people have different degree of happiness. Childhood experience may affect how often we feel happy, when a child is love by their parents, and liking the environment, they should be easily contented. When they grew up, they will feel happiness more often. These will lead to a positive outlook on life.
Posted by
12:51 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
''Last men standing''
When ever there's group work, what people hate is when they are chosen last by the group leader. The person will feel disown, disoriented and unworthy. Sometimes, it's not that others are smarter, just that you have little chance to prove to others of your capability.
For a group leader, it's a nightmare if all your teammates are slackers, you'll have to do everything yourself. Likewise, if the group leader is weak, the team members will suffer, worst if the groub has only two members.
Posted by
11:38 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The weather has gotten more hazy reccently... I was bored today, I stared out my window, the streets are bustling like usual. Suddently, a warning alert came. It was strange, it's not total defence day! Why would there be a warning alert?
I asked my mom, she said she heard nothing... The alert came to an arupt stop and came what seemed like a solar eclipse. Everything was changed, my mom was gone, the air thickens and filths with the smell of burning ash. The haze became worst, and to what seems like snow, having a closer look, it's actually ash! I heard someone's shouting, it's a woman's voice, she was shouting out for a girl's name. Then, everything blurred and I fainted. When I woke up, it was night time already, everything went back to normal, maybe it was just a dream...
Posted by
1:13 AM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
The ‘’lies’’ here refers to making false statement. Lies are divided into many category, some people lied out of good intention, some just for their own selfish means, while others use it to deceive themselves.
Lying out of good intention is often called ‘’white lies’’. People use them to comfort others. Also, people use lies to get themselves out of trouble. However , the worst of it is when a person use them on themselves, they may have lied to impress the people around them, but in long run, the person will lied get buried in their own lies. If someday, someone were to find out about this habit, they’ll feel disgusted that they ever know you. The most treacherous part is where the person cannot differentiate between their own memories and the lies that they have created…
Posted by
6:57 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Critically acclaimed made in Singapore musical, ''Forbidden City: Portrait of an empress'' is preparing for a world tour in 2008, first stop, London's West End... It is the first ever Singaporean musical to embark on a world tour on such massive scale!
Having watched the musical, I think it's of standard compared to West End's or Broadway's, maybe even better!... The music are alluring and captivating. Can't wait the see the fine-tuned West End version!! It sure'll do well there...
Posted by
2:47 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Which type are you?
Have you ever met some old friends or teacher on the road? There are three types of person that will response to this; the first type, approaches that friend/teacher, says “hi” and starts to chat. The second type, hesitates whether or not to approach that person. Finally the third type, walk away or even take a detour to avoid coming face to face with that friend.
The first types are those very outgoing ones, and often feel optimistic about things happening around them. The second types are those that hesitate about things like what they should say, what to ask and what to do. The third types are those that have very little confidence. They would not want to have their old friend sees them because they think that friend will laugh at him or ask him question they he do not want to answer.
Posted by
5:28 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
Pluto is now 134340
Just last month the status of Pluto was demoted to a mere asteroid object(dwarf planet).Thus, Pluto together with ''Charon'', ''Nix'', ''Hydra'', ''Xena'' and many others are officially given numbered names... For Pluto, it's 134340.
Despite many people protests against the changes, it seems like the decision was set, and it will not change...
Posted by
12:27 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Facts about quiet people, at lease that's what I think...
Quiet people are often those that don't mix well in crowds, especially with people the dont know and seemingly shy at times, but in actual fact, they are more of a thinker. Thus, they think alot.
There are two types of quiet people, one that's so introverted that even with people he is familar with, and the other one is of an extrovert behavior with people he knows.
There's a problem with quiet people, they cannot express themselves well enough, but it is a minor problem. What's more important is that quiet people understands human emotions better, they can easily differentiate between happy, sad and what's acting than those outgoing ones. Therefore, the second type of quiet people can make very good friends as they understands you. The first type of quiet people is quite scary, they don't tell you what they think...
Posted by
12:43 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
You want potion?
This is a real drink, avaliable only in japan to promote the game...
Posted by
12:51 AM
Final Fantasy XII english trailer
Here's the trailer, you'll have a catch of how the english version sounds like
Posted by
12:38 AM
Monday, September 11, 2006
The reason for the turtle (tu) in memory of Steve Irwin
For the past one week, many people had put the thing on thier MSN messager in memory of the late Steve Irwin. Do you know what's the meaning of that turtle?
I've ask many people, and the answers are often ''oh...that turtle, becos there's no crocodile emocon... turtle belongs to the reptile family, so...'', ''I'm not sure, I'm just following what others do'', but the actual reason is that it represents the new species of Australian turtle which Irwin discovered and named after as ''Elseya Irwini''.Thus, the turtle emocon was used to commemorate his findings.
Posted by
12:09 AM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Studio Ghibli VS Disney
Studio Ghibli, a Japanese base animation company had produced many astonding anime films which have captivate thousands of audiences and fans around the world. It's feature films had won many international awards including the Oscar. They produced animes such as ''My Neighbour Totoro'', ''Grave of the Fireflies'', ''Spirited away'', ''Howl's Moving Castle''.
Disney had been making animation(cartoons) for more than 50 years now, they are one of the more prestiged and best around. They had produced many timeless classics that many of us still remember vividly. Compare to studio Ghibli, Ghibli just started about 20 years ago, in such a short time they have reach a status equals to that of disney's. Now, disney even wants to remake of Ghibli's film!
The animation's done by Ghibli are of the best around, their backgrounds are drawn in details. As for disney, her older works are better, the later ones are less impressive, too much work are done using computer which resulted in the lost of quality and honesty of the film...
Posted by
1:56 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Trueman Show
Inspired by the movie of the same title
Imagine a live being watched by the world, this is what I lived. I was taken to this maga studio when I was 3 months old. This is where the props are made exactly like those in the real world. I never leave this town or studio, and that's why I didn't find out. I was being watch all this while.
Everyone knows me, but as I grew older it all seems kinda weird. Whatever things I do, everyone sees through me. I've had enough, and that's when I found out that I'm being watch every moment. I want to leave the town but everyone tries to stop me. I didn't give up, so, I stole a boat and paddle it, one hour had past and my boat crashed into a wall that seemingly looks like the far away horizon of the seas. There's a stair beside it. I climbed and finally reached a door.
As I open it, flashes of light came, the presses are here. I was asked ''how I felt being watched all this years?''
Everything is absurd, reality programmes had gone too far!
Posted by
2:32 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
It's holiday!!
Finally, after a year and a half of hardwork, it's time to have a long break. Many people says ''going into a Poly is to slack''. The truth is not really so, maybe at the beginning but as the examinations drawn nearer, you'll start to feel the tense and stress. These are all self-proclaim, what's important is whether our hardwork pay off or we waste our parent's money... everything seems so deja vu, poly, secondary, it's all the same!
Posted by
5:41 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Crying Out Love In The Centre Of The WorldOne of the Japanese highest grossing film, adapted from a novel of the same title, the movie is about human emotion... love, finding the past and letting it go. The movie is full of emotion and intriguing... It's a must watch!
Posted by
3:57 AM
Friday, August 25, 2006
Pluto got stripped...
From nine to eight, our solar system is getting smaller instead... It's official, as of today that Pluto will be stripped down from ''planet status'', the dicision was made due to the reccent findings of objects similar to Pluto. Those Pluto-like objects will be called ''drawfs planets'', they aren't really planets, they be just round objects orbiting the Sun in an order...
Posted by
12:45 AM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Final Fantasy III on Nintendo DS!
The original Final Fantasy III will soon be release on the Nintendo DS, it's the first time ever to be release in english... OKAY! Enough talks, here's the japanese trailer...
Posted by
1:04 AM
Friday, August 18, 2006
A bias video...
This is a bias end year video done by SOME girl/s in my EX-CLASS(secondary school)... The people in the video are all her 'friends', only some lucky ones who is not her 'friend' got into the video... Here's the video...'ENJOY'
Posted by
12:47 AM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Today, while I was on my way to buy comics, a very glaring beam of light consumed me, it was 2 pm. The next thing I know, I was at home studying. It was 6 pm then, I got 4 hours missing in my life! Where was I??I was very tired, so I went to sleep, and you know what? I dreamt about being taken by the aliens, they said we call them Plutons. They said they came from a planet beyone Pluto, we call it Xena. They brought me to their planet, they show me around... The planet is small, but strangely I can breathe without any equipments.
It was pretty late, so, I said I want to go home. Then next moment, I woke up from the dream, and the comic I want was beside my bed and there's a note below which I can't comprehend...
Posted by
9:45 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
10 ways to torture yourself...
1. starve yourself
2. stuff yourself with food
3. use penknife to cut yourself
4. hit yourself
5. hammering your head on the wall
6. ask someone to hit you
7. open our eyes wide for 1 hour without blinking
8. use hammer to smash ur joints
9. suffocate yourself
10.bite yourself
Posted by
12:36 AM
Monday, August 14, 2006
A belated happy birthday to Singapore!!
When ever I hear the pledge on the NDP, there be a surge of emotion will come from within me...it's quite overwhelming.
Posted by
12:46 AM
Indulged in the world of the musicals...
Yeah... I think I'm no longer sane, reccently, I keep listening to musical songs. I'm going crazy over MUSICALSSSSS!!! The songs are so so so engrossing... they have more 'kicks' then the normal pop songs.......
Posted by
12:13 AM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Back on track!!!
YEAH! After so many weeks of despair... the common tests are finally over having said that... its not really despair its more like wasting time... I should've said '' I've been busy lately '' but actually, it's more like not feeling to blog. I don't give a fuck care about it and I fucking care if anyone wanted to even read it.
For now, what i have to really work on is the coming examination. I'll cross my fingers...
Posted by
2:16 AM
Monday, July 24, 2006
Cabaret: The Musical
Originally a broadway production, adepted by a local stage organization, Staring Fei Xiang(kris Phillips) and many other local and foreign artists, comes CABARET: The Musical!
The story is about the Nazis begining their rise to power in Germany in the late 1920s, American writer Clifford Bradshaw visits Berlin. He meets this German who helped him find a place to stay and he visits the sleazy Kit Kat Club and meets an English singer, Sally Bowles. The writer and singer soon fall in love. Meanwhile, Clifford's elderly landlord gets engaged to a Jewish greengrocer, given the increasing influence of the Nazis, it's not an easy decision to make. Soon, Clifford discovers that he has been inadvertently helping the Nazis by delivering packages to Paris for his German friend. Clifford ends up deciding to return to the United States but Sally decides to remain in Berlin... Today(yesterday) I was at the Esplanade watching the musical. It was pretty good, it's like a show within show. There's this ''Master of Ceremonies'' that comes out here and there, singing us what's gonna happen or what had happened. The tunes are nice. Overall, the show was good, but I was hoping for more drama but it didn't happen...
Posted by
12:46 AM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
First formal presentation...
I've been busy lately... Projects, presentations, projects, projects, test, test, TEST, TEST!!! It just goes on like its never gonna end. But I'll always come up with something last minute...so no worries yet...
OK...now to the topic, first formal presentation in school, everyone looks smart in formal, but some girls look rather eh...''auntie''...LOL...just joking. Anyway, we were given two topics to present. First, ''The best person for a best friend'', second, ''My self-esteem''. I chose the second one. I started off trambling and I stammer here and there. No...not only me, some of my classmate too... others were pretty steady... I only became alittle bit smoother towards the end.
At the end of everyone's presentation, the teacher show us the comment she wrote while we were presenting. I got back mine and I got six lines of comments three of which are good, three are not so good. Anyway, here's a picture of everyone's back view in formal...
Posted by
7:43 PM
Monday, July 17, 2006
The big posts!!!...
For this upcoming few weeks I'll post up my top 10 most memorable and favorite movies... Just look out for it!! =)
Posted by
12:21 AM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friend's birthday....
The cake was nice... everything was just weird... only the cake is normal...I ate 2 pieces!!! yeah!!!
Posted by
6:47 PM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Not regreto...
Music video ''madan'' by TM Revolution...it's very funny, you won't regret it!!!
Posted by
10:38 AM
Monday, July 10, 2006
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Germany got 3rd!
Dispite the defeat from the Italians, the Germans stand strong against the portuguese. The results, 3-0 and Germany got third placing in the World Cup.
I think this' one of the more exciting match, its fast-pase, not boring at all. It gets even more exciting if you watch it with your friends...
Posted by
2:52 PM
I believe I said something that made my classmates laught their asses out. It was friday, while we were waiting for entrance for Fan Wei Qi's campus concert. I said something like ''pi ka chng''(smell my ass)when my classmate set down, her head was just behind a guy's ass. Also, ''pi ka chng'' sounds very similar to ''pikachu''.
Earlier that day, I did a very ridicule and peculiar title translation of ''Pirates of the Carribean:Dead Man's Chest''. I said something like ‘加勒比海的海涛之死掉的人的宝箱’, my classmates just went -_||| awhile and then laugh non-stop(yeah I know, I exaggerate this part alittle)...
Posted by
2:14 PM
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Even since the dawn of men, the pre-historic people to Homo-sapiens. People have been making achivement every now and then, be it monumental or pygmy, it had contributed to many things that had happen good or bad. People grew from small group to community to towns and city to country and to empire.
History became myth and myth made history, the Greeks, the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Chinese.
Fuck...I got nothing to write, so I wrote this nonsence...
Posted by
8:21 PM
A fuckingfull day...
Yesterday, missed ''Smallville''. =(
Went to Fan Fan's campus concert at school.
Friends birthday.
Went Fish & Co. didn't eat.
Then play pool.
Then ''lim ju''(drink beer)eat cake.
Did some cock-talking.
Then went seven-eleven lim ju again.
Also, very strangely, talked alot to some not-very-close friend.
Went home very late. =)
picture of the cake:
Posted by
5:20 PM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Germany lost...
It's only 2 minutes away from the penalty shootout, the Germans had let their guards down, the Italian attacks and score very closely apon the pole. All the Germans were deliriously counter-attacking, they left their grounds defendless, giving the Italian another chance to strike again. By just a simple flop, they score again, making two goals in the last 2 minutes!I was so sad after the German lost the match and I cry myself to sleep...again...
Posted by
11:37 PM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Another pretty sick thing...this time, it's a video...
Have you ever got ''sandwiched'' by 10+ people, here's a video...taken last year at ''some'' chalet in Singapore(that one beside Downtown East)...LOL...you may think it's not funny, but if you're a sadist, you'll definately LOVE it!
Posted by
10:52 PM
Monday, July 03, 2006
Yet another ramdom thoughts...
Sometimes, people just can't do the things they wanted to. Some people always wanted to be a sportsman but they can't really do it. They try hard, the most is they'll be a ok player, they'll never be the best. Maybe, it's their mentality that tells them they have no talent. Whenever, their friends ask him to go play sports, he will be the lease to play or should I say he wants to be the lease, most of the time he'll sit there and think how bad he is at that sport...
Posted by
12:19 AM
Saturday, July 01, 2006
GO Germany!!! All the way!!!
Germany won over Argentina in the first quarter final match of the FIFA World Cup by penalty!! YAY!! The Germans had a weak 1st half, but they were able to pull of in the 2nd half, making the score 1-1 and going into an extra time then the penalty and ultimately win the match!... All the way to the finals...and be the champion!!
Posted by
1:49 AM
Friday, June 30, 2006
Last minute hugging Buddha's leg...
I just owned myself today. I screwed my maths paper, I may not have screwed it so badly if I hadn't have that confusing discussion about the maths question just before the paper starts. And you know what? I've learnt something from it! Never last minute 'hugs Buddha's leg', he'll only kick you far far away(but who cares, I do it everytime, only that sometimes I succeed and other times, I don't...) It's jus so LOL-ing...
Posted by
9:52 PM
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Finally! No ball actions today and I can STUDY!!!!
The title tells it all, no football, today they rest I also rest...I can finally study for my maths test. Poly life kinda sucks, one minute slack the next is ''pia'' for exams and tests. I got only 2 days for preperations! Now is study, I'll keep my fingers crossed for the results.
Posted by
11:57 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Holidays are over...
What's next?? TEST!! Fucking bloody hell!! I think about many things the last 2 weeks, because of this, I'm feeling a little depress. It draws away all my energy and makes me no mood to study...and I fucking no mood to type properly....just how very saddening can it get?....fucking fuck fucked, lan jiao chee bye exercise!!! BLOODLY HELL CHEE BYE!!!
Posted by
11:50 PM
Home Alone again....
Again I was at home alone, just now(yesterday) I was hungary, so I cook myself something...
OK...I know. It's blurr, its rice omelette...
Posted by
1:31 AM
Best part of Tomb Raider...
The best part of the game, Tomb Raider, is when Lara falls from a high ground. First you'll hear is ''AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'' and next is ''kit kork'', you'll see how she got smashed on the ground, with her joints all broken... and with the new sequal, something is added to it! You'll not only see how she falls off from a cliff, you'll also see how she gets eatten up by a snake-like creature or even get smashed into some spotlight or get squashed by a train!!...
Posted by
12:58 AM
Monday, June 26, 2006
Tomb Raider: Legend and a look back at the Tomb Raider franchises
Back to 1996 when Tomb raider was first released, it became a video game phenomenal. It broke many grounds and became one of the best selling game of all time, more than 30 million copies of the game were sold worldwide. It sprout more than 7 sequal, with the latest Tomb Raider: Legends. It was also adapted into movies and achieved good box office sales.
Tomb Raider: Legends's revolves around her mother's disappearance, insearch of an answer, and her friend Amanda's ''death''. In this sequal, Lara gets a makeover, she's make into proportion and had her ''upper body'' re-sized. It brought the series back on track from the failure of the last 4 games...
Posted by
2:45 AM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Home Alone: Benn's Parents Not At Home And He Say He Scare to Be Alone (movie)
Benn's parents are away form town till next thursday, and he says he's afraid to be at home alone, so he went out the whole day today(yesterday). He went to play badminton with his old friends. After which, he went home and cook himself some spaghetti, then he went to school to meet his new friends to do project. They cracked some jokes and Benn's friend make fun of him, and makes Benn feel sad. Thereafter, he, again, meet his clique to play pool. After the pool session, Benn went to one of his clique house and stayed till very late. After he went home, bathed, his sister said he very selfish, whom he didn't mean it and he feel leftout by his new friends when he received some SMS. He was sad for the whole night and cry himself to sleep...
watch trailer(www.LOL_there's_no_trailer.com.lppl)
Posted by
2:42 AM
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Forbidden City: Portrait Of An Empress (Musical)
It's back for the third time!! Starting from 8th sep at the Esplanade theater It's the very first musical I watched, from there onwards it spite my love for musical. As of the title, it's about the life story of the Empress Dowager Cixi. It's a Singaporean production with Kit Chan in it!
The musical is presented in flashbacks, the story is very complelling. It's a must watch for all musical lover, and for those who do not like musical, watch it and you'll love it!!
Posted by
5:55 PM
My X-Men...
Here' my favorite X-men character: Storm
Today (or should I say yesterday?? LOL...), I've finally watched ''X-men The Last Stand'' the movie was overlly good, but I still prefer the first 2 installment
Posted by
2:21 AM
Just another ramdom thoughts...
Sometimes, when a person hates another person its not because they really hate them, it might be some ''gossips'' or ''talking-bad'' that's going on that makes you hate that person...
Posted by
2:09 AM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Looking back at Kingdom Hearts...
Yeah...I know, I'm crazy over Kingdom Hearts. Anyway, here's Kingdom Hearts 1 opening:
Posted by
1:06 AM
Another day had past...
Holidays are ''PRETTILY'' boring... Why? I don't really know, all I know is, when we are having school, we'll always hoping for holidays, and when we are on holidays, a long one especially, we'll want to go to school... Strange isn't it?
Posted by
1:01 AM
Monday, June 19, 2006
Kingdom Hearts 3
The theme to Kingdom hearts 3 is ''Keyblade War'', it'll most probably be released on the PlayStation 3. Here's the concept clip which can be obtain by beating Kingdom Hearts 2 with 100% completion of the ''Jiminy's Journal''.
Posted by
3:23 PM
Belated fathers' day
Fathers' day are often neglected by many people... I wonder why? Do fathers really mean so little to their children?? Somehow, to most people it's true, probably because fathers spend most of the time outside working and had little time to bond with their children. Okie, here's this: I wish all father a HAPPY BELATED FATHERS' DAY!!!
Posted by
3:42 AM
Lame power rangers video...
The antagonist point of view?? LOL...
Posted by
2:29 AM
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Utada Hikaru new album Ultra Blue featuring the opening theme of Kingdom Hearts 2
Finally, after 5 singles and 4 years of wait, a new studio album, ULTRA BLUE was released on 12/06/06. The album include the hit singles ''dareka no negai ga kanaukoro'', ''Colors'' and ''Be My Last'' and featuring the opening theme to the hit game, Kingdom Hearts 2, Passion. On the first week of sales it climb to the no.1 spot on the Japanese Oricon chart...
And here's she performing ''This is love'' on Music Station 06/16/06
Posted by
11:40 PM
Ayumi Hamasaki on Music Station 16/06/06
Ayumi performing her new single ''Blue Bird'' on Music Station
Posted by
11:37 PM
Friday, June 16, 2006
Having a good time again....
Sometimes, it's hard to decide where to go, especially when people from two different groups asked you out and of cause I choose the group that I don't see them everyday. However, by doing this, the other group might not wan to ask you out the next time, they'll think: ''he probably won't come, so why bother calling him...''
It's amusing to see your old friends once in a while, you'll see how they've progressed...I had a good time today, even though, I didn't really talk much to some of them, but it's still good, at lease they still know who am I. We went Cafe Cartel to have our lunch. Afterwhich, we went window shopping and we ACTUALLY decided to take NEO PRINT...( that is so EHEM...and FUCKING GAY!!)
Anyway, here's the 'PRINT':
Posted by
8:01 PM
Silent Hill movie
Finally the movie is in town!! And I've watch it, it's good, no.. it's more than good, it's great! Better than any other horror-game-to-movie(Resident Evil) movie. The story is great. Anyway, here's the synopsis of the movie:
The eerie and deserted ghost town of Silent Hill draws a young mother desperate to find a cure for her only child's illness. Unable to accept the doctor's diagnosis that her daughter should be permanently institutionalized for psychiatric care, Rose flees with her child, heading for the abandoned town in search of answers--and ignoring the protests of her husband. It's soon clear this place is unlike anywhere she's ever been. It's smothered by fog, inhabited by a variety of strange beings and periodically overcome by a living 'darkness' that literally transforms everything it touches. As Rose searches for her little girl, she begins to learn the history of the strange town and realizes that her daughter is just a pawn in a larger game.
There's one scene that I'll definately not forget, the 'nurses' scene, it look weird, no, funny to be exact. In the game the 'nurses' were jurking and having sudden movements, but in the movie... they look as though they were erm..... lock dancing and somehow synchronising also... how hilarious...
Posted by
12:25 AM
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Kingdom Hearts 2....again...
Here's the game's opening:
Basically, it's a flashback of the predecessors, Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memoraries.
Posted by
1:29 PM
Kingdom Hearts madness!!!
I think I'm going nuts, Kingdom Hearts is all over me!! LOL...anyway, here's something I got from my friend...
Cute eh?? cosplay is just too cool to mess with. By the way, they are cosplaying the charecters from Kingdom Hearts. Namine and Kairi
Posted by
2:57 AM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Kingdom Hearts 2 ending
I've just completed the game and I notice something, just exactly how gay is Mickey Mouse?? Did he use Minnie to cover up his gayness??... Anyway, here's the video and you shell see it yourself.
Posted by
1:55 PM
The school vacation had started. Its only been 3 days, I'd aready feel the boredom climbing up my spine, it somehow forces you to reflect on what's happened and what you want to do in the future... Since young, I dream of becoming an astronaut or even a doctor. Afterall dream is dream, as you grow older, you'll realise it's very difficult to get what you want. It's not impossible to realise your dream, but you must have what it takes which many people failed. You'll also wonder, 'why I don't have what people have...'. When you have nothing to do, you'll think of all these nonsense...how saddening
Posted by
12:13 PM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Good time...
Usually, good time ends very fast, the first second is so fun and the next second its time to say good bye. It's good to go outdoor once in a while, especially with friends around you. They keep you company and washes away your worries temporarily.
Oddly, when you are on a beach you'll feel free like a soaring bird as the breeze caressly brushes your face. As you look apon the sky, everything just look so wonderfull, but it won't last eternally...
Posted by
3:45 PM
Monday, June 12, 2006
The FIFA World Cup Germany 2006
The world cup season is here finally!! This comming few weeks will be dreadfull, everyone will be restless, will be sticking their eyes infront of the Tv for the whole night almost everyday. Is it really worth the time?? As I always wonder, what is it that's so attracting about football? I really dunno, maybe for mine case, its because of peer pressure and wanting to have a common topic with mine friends or maybe I do love football afterall...
Posted by
1:47 PM
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
And Again...
The holidays are coming!!!! YAY!!!! I have to really buck up and catch up... Worst, I have to choose a language out of these 3: Japanese, French and German. School has been good so far, its fun actually...boy-girl relationship...people hating people...everyday is like talk-cock-sing-song-play-majonging. HAHAHAH...
Anyway, here's again something I drew using Paint...in class...
hahaha...middle finger again...
Posted by
8:04 PM
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Ramdom thoughts...
Sometimes, when a person decided to do something, they regretted before it's actually being done and try to convince themselves that its fun... but then in the end it turn out to be really fun and feel stupid for feeling regretted before...
Posted by
9:47 AM