Friday, June 16, 2006

Having a good time again....

Sometimes, it's hard to decide where to go, especially when people from two different groups asked you out and of cause I choose the group that I don't see them everyday. However, by doing this, the other group might not wan to ask you out the next time, they'll think: ''he probably won't come, so why bother calling him...''

It's amusing to see your old friends once in a while, you'll see how they've progressed...I had a good time today, even though, I didn't really talk much to some of them, but it's still good, at lease they still know who am I. We went Cafe Cartel to have our lunch. Afterwhich, we went window shopping and we ACTUALLY decided to take NEO PRINT...( that is so EHEM...and FUCKING GAY!!)
Anyway, here's the 'PRINT':

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