Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Facts about quiet people, at lease that's what I think...

Quiet people are often those that don't mix well in crowds, especially with people the dont know and seemingly shy at times, but in actual fact, they are more of a thinker. Thus, they think alot.

There are two types of quiet people, one that's so introverted that even with people he is familar with, and the other one is of an extrovert behavior with people he knows.

There's a problem with quiet people, they cannot express themselves well enough, but it is a minor problem. What's more important is that quiet people understands human emotions better, they can easily differentiate between happy, sad and what's acting than those outgoing ones. Therefore, the second type of quiet people can make very good friends as they understands you. The first type of quiet people is quite scary, they don't tell you what they think...

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