Saturday, December 29, 2007

Its all in the mind

I always wanted to be a sportsmen, someone who is actively engaged in sports and are good at them, but that's not happening, I can't even play actively with my peers (particularly soccer) and I'd no idea what went wrong. The only sport that I think I'm good in, is badminton, the good here is being able to play but not of any standards.

For once I thought court games is my sport, so I took up tennis. Well, I was wrong, it just seemed too fast for me to pick it up. However, there's one thing I enjoyed, the encouragement from the couch, I think that's what that keeps me going.

I told my problem to a senior, and he told me this: "Sometimes, we have to be self driven, you can't possibly get encouragement every time. Sports is like a mind game, the stronger mind will emerged as the winner.". All, the time, while I was playing the game, I'd think of things like "Will I hit the ball right? ", "Will people laugh at me if I missed? ", or "Am I hitting the right way? " , instead of focusing at the opponent and the ball. Its quite demoralizing actually, and maybe that's the thing I'd've to overcome...

Watching sports is far more easier... I guess...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Its good to feel fear, fear of ghost, fear of someone. The greatest fear is not fear itself, but its not being able to feel fear, it means you not nothing to lose...

I read this from somewhere and I find it very true...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Galactic Weapon?

I am sure many of us have watch Starwars, Gundam series or any sci-fi film that has this almighty weapon shooting through the space. This had very well became a reality, if you have watched the news or read the article on yahoo, you'll probably know, there's this black hole that shoots a stream of deadly radiation particles across the galaxy, clearing anything in its path.

Well, imagine it as an "advance civilization" trying to show their dominions across the galaxy. What if its pointed towards Earth? This can be a great subject for the next Steven Spielberg film...