When we are facing a major problem, it may come to a point where a part of you brain will be triggered, fragments of your memories will flash across in a split second and form all the different scenarios of the decisions that you are considering. Just how amazing our brains are, and also how annoying they are, especially when they pull out the unhappy memories or even having a slightest bit of negative thought in it...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
You know certain gestures or actions that you do, it could just be a sign of friendliness or it means nothing, but to others it could mean otherwise...
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11:34 PM
Labels: Eventual Thoughts
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Night sky...
Beijing Capital Airport, Break of dawn
The morning we were leaving Beijing, it was cold as hell! I didn't wear any gloves or sort, since it was the last day in Beijing, I wouldn't be that worry if I fall sick.
We were at the school's ground dragging our luggage to the bus. The moment I step out of the hostel I look up into the sky, there were a lot of stars, all shining brightly, the moon was round and crisp, it look as thought it was a computer generated image. That's one the most spectacular view that I've ever seen in my life!
Just a few days ago, after a midnight show, I was on my way back home at exactly the same time I left the hostel in Beijing, I look up the sky hoping to find resemblance. Well, I was disapointed, it's the same sky but it look dull over here, while having the air so clean as oppose to that of Beijing's...
Posted by
10:51 AM
Labels: Beijing
Monday, November 10, 2008
Jump into the pool...
National Aquatic Centre, Beijing. Night view.
There are some things in this world that you really want to do it, but you got not enough courage to do so...
Posted by
10:37 PM
Labels: Beijing, Random thoughts
Saturday, November 08, 2008
The world is round!
Temple of Heaven, Beijing
There's a saying "what comes around goes around", when you are having bad luck for a long time, good luck could be just around the corner...
Posted by
10:34 PM
Labels: Beijing, Eventual Thoughts
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Human impulses
CCTV future HQ, Beijing. One of the most prominent building in Beijing city.
When people are in a foreign land, they would want to try out things that they normally won't do in their own turf, and very often, these actions are impulsive, but you know, one good thing about impulsive actions are that you will never know the end results, whether it'll be good or not...
Posted by
11:45 PM
Labels: Beijing, Eventual Thoughts
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Shi Cha Hai, Beijing. Sunset
I've been telling some of my friends about this, people like to talk about people's bad point, but have you ever thought that if you are better than the person so to criticize him? This especially applies to a big group of people living together where gossips and stuffs are hard to avoid...
Posted by
10:47 PM
Labels: Beijing, Random thoughts
Monday, October 27, 2008
How near?
National Aquatic center, Beijing
When you lived in a very small country things there are often of the smaller scale and it's easy to get form one place to another. When someone say a place is near, in the context of Singapore, it's really NEAR, but when you are in a foreign land, their definition of near might be 4-5 times the distance of that in Singapore...
Posted by
12:18 AM
Labels: Beijing, Eventual Thoughts
Friday, October 24, 2008
We sure don't like losing, but in a game there's always a winner and a loser. The pathetic part is the loser actually thinks that he's a winner, giving you the very satisfied look...
Posted by
12:50 AM
Labels: Beijing, Random thoughts
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Welcome? to Beijing...
Beijing International Airport, interior
Normally, when you are reaching a station on a train you'll hear broadcast messages like "please alight at the next stop", you'll seldom hear "Please get out of the train". That's the first thing you'll hear when you get off the gates at the Beijing international airport...
Posted by
8:59 AM
Labels: Beijing, Eventual Thoughts
Friday, August 29, 2008
Over the other side?
Everyone is an actor over the phone... For my mum's case, she loves people calling her and complains about stuffs but one thing she dreads is one that goes on and on. If that happens she'll just come up excuses, sometimes a very ridiculous one. I overheard her on the phone telling her friend exactly what I am writing now. She said "well, you know it’s not good to use back the same excuse again." That's a side of my mom that I don’t know...
Posted by
2:05 PM
Labels: Random thoughts
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Summing up...
You know blogging is a very self indulgence thing to do... it will not be self indulgence if you don’t allow yourself to indulge in it.
For the past half year, school was busy than ever, one thing that kills it is having the perception of year one and two, thinking that everything can be done in the last minute. And of cause I make a couple of new friends, all hardworking as hell, when compared to them I am a step lower or rather a few steps lower. Will these newly forged friendships last or will it break along with time? Really, I am not an initiator, unless people want this to work, I'll just sit back and wait and hope that awkwardness will not find me.
There are certain things that work out and some become worst, there are also some impulses that I did not really show. Well, everything will work out eventually, like always…
I have three words to sum up the first half of year three... What a year!
Posted by
1:15 AM
Labels: Eventual Thoughts, Random thoughts
Friday, May 23, 2008
Tomb Raider... err... again?!! part 2
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11:14 PM
Labels: Games, Random Laughts
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tomb Raider...errr...again?!!
Do I love Tomb Raider? Well, the answer is yes, very much indeed. After 10 running years, Lara still fascinates people all around the world. The reason? She's everything we want, an interesting life, adventurous, strong, you name it, she got it! Well, my reason, I love to see how she dies! Falls off the deepest of pits, get trampled over by gigantic boulders, get eaten by monsters and so on... Here's a video (how she can die) from the recent Tomb Raider Anniversary...
Posted by
2:27 AM
Labels: Games
Friday, April 18, 2008
Just a reminder?
I always try not to talk bad about others by telling myself that I'm not perfect in all terms and I'm in no position to talk about others bad point, but sadly, the guilt always come a step later...
Posted by
3:09 PM
Labels: Eventual Thoughts, Random thoughts
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Year 1?
I got an idea about what I wanted to be 4 years ago and still it is going strong but the road that I'd paved seemed to waiver a little. I am starting to regret that I forgo the interview for the moving images course, I may not have feel as bad if at least I went and try it out, having the thought of traveling so far to school everyday really turns me off.
People always said, "hey! You are good at that", but are you really that good? Maybe at that moment you impressed people, but when you go out there, there's always people that had achieved much more than you do. I always have this self-doubt-ness, that'd given me this thought that I just wanna be good and that's good enough for me. It somehow stop me from moving forward whenever I achieved a certain level of satisfaction.
This topic always surfaced whenever my friends have a random conversion, "Which unit or what you wanna be when you go for the national service?" Some said they want to be the police in the civil defense, some said they wan to be a pilot in the air force. I never thought of any, if really you want me to choose I'll go for the toughest one, I have to prove to others and more importantly to myself that I can achieve much more. And of cause this will serve as a break form school, to sort out what's dream, hobby and reality...
Perhaps, its the anxiety of having to meet new classmates that makes me think of all these things.
Posted by
4:25 PM
Labels: Random thoughts
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
One year back
Looking back one year ago, I was in school this time preparing the freshmen orientation as an orientation group leader. Having to skipped my freshmen orientation two years back, to cover up, I signed up to be an OGL and of cause that's not the only reason, many of my classmates joint too. Through the one month plus in school, I got to know a lot of people, the seniors and the fellow OGLs, and of cause not forgetting the juniors, an enthusiastic bunch. The most fun part was to choreograph and learn the dance in a week's time and teaching the juniors in three days, we had to simplified the dance step to make sure that the juniors can comprehend it well. Below's labour of our work.
Posted by
12:14 PM
Labels: Random thoughts
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Cake cream bath!
Normal birthday party or meet out was a thing of the past especially when your rather conservative friends gone wild. They suddenly have all the weird stuff going on under their sleeves. The first was a pandang cake, used as a decoy to trick everyone into believing that we are gonna celebrate someone's birthday using that pathetic looking cake. And then it was my birthday, pairing me with another girl making it look like an anniversary party but it went very wrong. Ends up everyone was smashing cakes on each other's faces, all covered in the cake cream and the whole chalet reeks of the cream.
Posted by
12:48 AM
Labels: Eventual Thoughts, Random Laughts
Sunday, March 02, 2008
The reason...
I got through to the next round of QR!... Its never easier, the last QR was nerve wracking, I thought for sure I'll get eliminated, and the things that SOMEONE said did not came true was a relief. This competition really means a lot to me, its what that keeps me interested in this course of study. Having someone said something like, "like you'll ever get through it", what seemed worst, it was the exams and the in-course QR was around the corner, its really disheartening. Having said that, I still got through, and I have to really thank the in-charge for giving me another shot at it...
Posted by
12:43 PM
Labels: Eventual Thoughts
Friday, February 29, 2008
Communication skills is not something you can learn overnight, its a combination of the spoken language and body language... An inappropriate gesture or signal can send the other party a very wrong information. When a on going conversion comes to a halt or the regarded person shows little concern, its either you change the topic to end the agony or try to infuse something to bring back the attention.
There are certain things or remark that can only be told to a closer friend, someone who understands your gesture, who knows that you not serious. If a remark is made to a not so close friend, that person might misinterpret it.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Labels: Random thoughts
Friday, February 08, 2008
I am always envious about people's selflessness, but really, do selflessness exist? In most extend it does not apply. Perhaps, the way I was brought up, I never believe in selflessness, everyone is selfish they think of themselves first, even if there's a fair among of selflessness, there'll be a portion of it that is directed to the self. Example of it, if a person helps another person, he or she wanted in return is the praise and acknowledgment of that person that was helped or even the people around that. This is my take on it, I could be wrong, I am not even certain, perhaps I needed something to make me believe in it...
Posted by
8:41 PM
Labels: Random thoughts
Thursday, February 07, 2008
A taste of defeat?
Its been a while since my last post, and I had been lazy to write out my thoughts or in this case type. Its not like I have a lot of visitors, and hardly any of my friends know that I have a blog, my classmates do, but I doubt they'll read. So I just puke whatever I want about them, maybe not all of them but this particular girl that gets to my nerve. I am sure her boyfriend learnt that I hated her, she always exudes this feeling that I am incapable of accomplishing things, maybe not me but in general. Come man! no one is perfect! If you give people shit, what you get in return is shit.I doubt myself a lot but for a very long time, I've forgotten how it feels like to be a loser. It struck me when I sat through a 6 hours long practical test, at the end of it everyone managed to somehow complete the test while I only finished 1 out of the 5 pages given. The worst part of it is, me allowing myself to not complete the test, it is not impossible to do, but I let it slipped right through...
Posted by
11:33 PM
Labels: Eventual Thoughts