The ‘’lies’’ here refers to making false statement. Lies are divided into many category, some people lied out of good intention, some just for their own selfish means, while others use it to deceive themselves.
Lying out of good intention is often called ‘’white lies’’. People use them to comfort others. Also, people use lies to get themselves out of trouble. However , the worst of it is when a person use them on themselves, they may have lied to impress the people around them, but in long run, the person will lied get buried in their own lies. If someday, someone were to find out about this habit, they’ll feel disgusted that they ever know you. The most treacherous part is where the person cannot differentiate between their own memories and the lies that they have created…
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Posted by
6:57 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Critically acclaimed made in Singapore musical, ''Forbidden City: Portrait of an empress'' is preparing for a world tour in 2008, first stop, London's West End... It is the first ever Singaporean musical to embark on a world tour on such massive scale!
Having watched the musical, I think it's of standard compared to West End's or Broadway's, maybe even better!... The music are alluring and captivating. Can't wait the see the fine-tuned West End version!! It sure'll do well there...
Posted by
2:47 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Which type are you?
Have you ever met some old friends or teacher on the road? There are three types of person that will response to this; the first type, approaches that friend/teacher, says “hi” and starts to chat. The second type, hesitates whether or not to approach that person. Finally the third type, walk away or even take a detour to avoid coming face to face with that friend.
The first types are those very outgoing ones, and often feel optimistic about things happening around them. The second types are those that hesitate about things like what they should say, what to ask and what to do. The third types are those that have very little confidence. They would not want to have their old friend sees them because they think that friend will laugh at him or ask him question they he do not want to answer.
Posted by
5:28 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
Pluto is now 134340
Just last month the status of Pluto was demoted to a mere asteroid object(dwarf planet).Thus, Pluto together with ''Charon'', ''Nix'', ''Hydra'', ''Xena'' and many others are officially given numbered names... For Pluto, it's 134340.
Despite many people protests against the changes, it seems like the decision was set, and it will not change...
Posted by
12:27 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Facts about quiet people, at lease that's what I think...
Quiet people are often those that don't mix well in crowds, especially with people the dont know and seemingly shy at times, but in actual fact, they are more of a thinker. Thus, they think alot.
There are two types of quiet people, one that's so introverted that even with people he is familar with, and the other one is of an extrovert behavior with people he knows.
There's a problem with quiet people, they cannot express themselves well enough, but it is a minor problem. What's more important is that quiet people understands human emotions better, they can easily differentiate between happy, sad and what's acting than those outgoing ones. Therefore, the second type of quiet people can make very good friends as they understands you. The first type of quiet people is quite scary, they don't tell you what they think...
Posted by
12:43 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
You want potion?
This is a real drink, avaliable only in japan to promote the game...
Posted by
12:51 AM
Final Fantasy XII english trailer
Here's the trailer, you'll have a catch of how the english version sounds like
Posted by
12:38 AM
Monday, September 11, 2006
The reason for the turtle (tu) in memory of Steve Irwin
For the past one week, many people had put the thing on thier MSN messager in memory of the late Steve Irwin. Do you know what's the meaning of that turtle?
I've ask many people, and the answers are often ''oh...that turtle, becos there's no crocodile emocon... turtle belongs to the reptile family, so...'', ''I'm not sure, I'm just following what others do'', but the actual reason is that it represents the new species of Australian turtle which Irwin discovered and named after as ''Elseya Irwini''.Thus, the turtle emocon was used to commemorate his findings.
Posted by
12:09 AM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Studio Ghibli VS Disney
Studio Ghibli, a Japanese base animation company had produced many astonding anime films which have captivate thousands of audiences and fans around the world. It's feature films had won many international awards including the Oscar. They produced animes such as ''My Neighbour Totoro'', ''Grave of the Fireflies'', ''Spirited away'', ''Howl's Moving Castle''.
Disney had been making animation(cartoons) for more than 50 years now, they are one of the more prestiged and best around. They had produced many timeless classics that many of us still remember vividly. Compare to studio Ghibli, Ghibli just started about 20 years ago, in such a short time they have reach a status equals to that of disney's. Now, disney even wants to remake of Ghibli's film!
The animation's done by Ghibli are of the best around, their backgrounds are drawn in details. As for disney, her older works are better, the later ones are less impressive, too much work are done using computer which resulted in the lost of quality and honesty of the film...
Posted by
1:56 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Trueman Show
Inspired by the movie of the same title
Imagine a live being watched by the world, this is what I lived. I was taken to this maga studio when I was 3 months old. This is where the props are made exactly like those in the real world. I never leave this town or studio, and that's why I didn't find out. I was being watch all this while.
Everyone knows me, but as I grew older it all seems kinda weird. Whatever things I do, everyone sees through me. I've had enough, and that's when I found out that I'm being watch every moment. I want to leave the town but everyone tries to stop me. I didn't give up, so, I stole a boat and paddle it, one hour had past and my boat crashed into a wall that seemingly looks like the far away horizon of the seas. There's a stair beside it. I climbed and finally reached a door.
As I open it, flashes of light came, the presses are here. I was asked ''how I felt being watched all this years?''
Everything is absurd, reality programmes had gone too far!
Posted by
2:32 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
It's holiday!!
Finally, after a year and a half of hardwork, it's time to have a long break. Many people says ''going into a Poly is to slack''. The truth is not really so, maybe at the beginning but as the examinations drawn nearer, you'll start to feel the tense and stress. These are all self-proclaim, what's important is whether our hardwork pay off or we waste our parent's money... everything seems so deja vu, poly, secondary, it's all the same!
Posted by
5:41 PM