Thursday, April 30, 2009

You just know it...

Sometimes you'll wonder about things that you did, and how stupid it is, but have you ever thought of the reason behind these actions? Sometimes you deny it, we deny it. You'll say things like "I dunno why I did that" to other people, but in actual fact you know exactly why you did that for... You just don't want to admit it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

It takes 2 hands to clap

I used to wait for people to ask me out, I'd always thought that if people wanted you to be their friend, they should make an effort to ask you out, but recent events makes me do the otherwise. As the boredom creeps in, the thought of leaving my house becomes adhesive. Why not just ask people out instead of sitting around waiting? You never know what wonderful things will happen if you don’t do so. I remembered once a teacher told me this "it takes two hands to clap", no matter whichever relationship you involved, it takes both side to make things work, isn't it?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Don't beat around the bush!

Sometimes people likes to boast about something they've achieved to someone that they seek acknowledgment of, but many people often do it in a way that mocks the other party. They would say something like "Hey! How's your exam results? Are you in the top honored few?". After some rounds of exchanging questions, it's so obvious that the coming words will be "I am in it". Some people just prefer the answer straight to their face rather than you going one round and mocking him or her. But it's human courtesy to show concerns to another party.. Well, it's kinda contradicting...

Monday, March 16, 2009

You had it...

Sometimes when we encountered a problem and you have a few solutions to that. You asked someone about it. Without knowing, our subconscious had actually decided on a solution. If you didn't get the same resolution from the someone, you'll ask another person or another, until you get what you wanted to hear...

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

This again?

It's been ages since my last post, if you are wondering what I was doing, well, I did nothing. First off, I got attached to a BIG company for my internship and guess what, I didn't do much or rather they didn't give me much to do and I didn't bother to ask for stuff to do. I kinda slept through the whole program.

Right after my internship, I've unofficially graduated from school. Next, university application. I had to submit a portfolio for the course that I'm applying. I spend 2 week putting together a portfolio. Here's a look at one of the pieces:

Fingers crossed... I really hope that they'll pick up my portfolio...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Partial solar eclipse

If you are a superstitious person, a solar eclipse on the first day of the Lunar New Year may seem like a bad omen, but for many people here, in Singapore, it's rare to see a solar eclipse. Many gathered at the Observatory Centre in the Science Centre, fascinations and enthusiasm fills the place as the personnel there explains the eclipse to the people looking through the telescope. It's not a total eclipse but it covers a good 80% of it and it was very clear until it went behind the clouds.

I remembered looking at one when I was younger, with the same fascination and enthusiasm, its kinda nostalgic...

Friday, January 02, 2009

Looking back 2008

A new year means a new beginning, having said that, there's no new beginning to begin with, it's only a bringing forward of what's left of the previous year. A look back at the year's happenings, things changed, people changed, and of cause there are certain things that will never change. You understand yourself better, communicate with others better, relate better to people and the things that happened around. All these will just add on to the chronicles of your life, it only gets thicker and deeper year after year...